研究紹介 / Research
I study extreme phenomena in meso- or micro-scale meteorology. Numerical simulations with ultra-fine resolutions resolving turbulence (large eddy simulations; LES) are useful to elucidate dynamics, structures, and many features. Various related topics and methods are addressed (observations, statistical methods, numerical analysis, model development, etc.).
台風 / Tropical cyclone
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito, Tsutao Oizumi, and Hiroshi Niino: Near-surface coherent structures explored by large eddy simulation of entire tropical cyclones, Scientific Reports, 7, 3798, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-03848-w
- 解説/Commentary ー 東北大学地球物理学専攻Topics#29 高解像度気象シミュレーション/Weather simulations with ultra fine resolution
- 解説(和文) - 科学技術振興機構サイエンスポータル ニュース(2017.06.23) 小さな雲がぎっしり詰まった台風の全容が初めて明らかに
線状降水帯 / Quasi stationary line-shaped precipitation system
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito, Hiroshige Tsuguchi, Syugo Hayashi, and Hiroshi Niino: Idealized high-resolution simulations of a back-building convective system that causes torrential rain, J. Atmos. Sci., 78, 117-132, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-19-0150.1
- 論文/Paper ーTsutao Oizumi, Kazuo Saito, Junshi Ito, Tohru Kuroda, Le Duc: Ultra-High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction with a Large Domain Using the K Computer: A Case Study of the Izu Oshima Heavy Rainfall Event on October 15-16, 2013, J. Meteor. Soc. Jpn., 96, 25-54, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2018-006
竜巻 / Tornado
- 論文/Paper ー Numerical simulation of tornadoes in a mini-supercell associated with Typhoon Tapah on 22 September 2019, J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn., 102, in press, 2024.
ダストデビル(塵旋風)/Dust devil
晴天時の日中、地上付近に生じる半径数m、秒速10〜20mくらいの突風をもたらす鉛直渦です。 砂漠・裸地では地面からダストを舞い上げるので、渦が可視化されます。 竜巻に似た見た目ですが、積乱雲による吸い上げが重要とである竜巻とは生成機構が異なります。
発生メカニズムや環境を数値シミュレーションを利用して調べています。 対流が生じている地表面近くの大気(対流混合層)で自発的に生成されます。
Dust devils are small-scale atmospheric vortices with wind speeds of several 10 m/s. Unlike tornadoes, they occur in fine weather conditions. Lifted dust particles on the desert visualize these vortices. We investigaed dynamics to form dust devils in convective boundary layers.
- 解説(和文)− 塵旋風の発生・発達機構と強風、日本風工学会誌、 42、 39-46、2017
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito, Hiroshi Niino, and Mikio Nakanishi: Formation mechanism of dust devil-like vortices in idealized convective mixed layers, J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 1173-1186, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-12-085.1
A field observation was performed. PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) is applied for a video that observes a dust devil to estimate its wind speed.
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito and Hiroshi Niino: Particle Image Velocimetry of a Dust Devil Observed in a Desert, SOLA, 10, 108-101, 2014. https://doi.org/10.2151/sola.2014-022
大気境界層モデルとTerra Incognita問題 / PBL parameterization and "Terra
Incognita (Greyzone)" problem
数値気象モデルが高解像度化し、乱流が解像される場合、従来のパラメタリゼーションの利用が不適切になります。これは"Terra Incognita問題”や”グレーゾーン"問題と呼ばれています。乱流のエネルギー散逸率を一定に保つような適応策を、代表的な大気境界層モデルであるMellor-Yamadaモデルについて提案しました。
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito, Hiroshi Niino, Mikio Nakanishi, and Chin-Hoh Moeng: An extension of the Mellor-Yamada model to the Terra Incognita zone for dry convective mixed layers in the free convection regime, Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 157, 23-43, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-015-0045-5
対流混合層の乱流・拡散 / Diffusion in convective boundary layers
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito, Hiroshi Niino, and Mikio Nakanishi: Horizontal turbulent diffusivity in convective mixed layer, J. Fluid Mech., 758, 553-564, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.545
自由大気の乱流(乱気流) / Turbulence in free atmosphere (Aviation turbulence)
- 論文/Paper ー R. Yoshimura, J. Ito, P. A. Schittenhelm, K. Suzuki, A. Yakeno, and S. Obayashi: Clear air turbulence resolved by numerical weather prediction model validated by onboard and virtual flight data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL101286, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101286
チェジュ島下流の「カルマン渦」 / "Kármán Vortex Shedding from Jeju Island"
寒気吹き出し時に生じる「カルマン渦」のシミュレーションを行いました。 *この「カルマン渦」は成層流体に特有の現象であり、一般的な物体後流に生じる粘性流体のカルマン渦とは異なる現象です。
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito and Hiroshi Niino: Atmospheric Kármán Vortex Shedding from Jeju Island, East China Sea: A Numerical Study, Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 139-148, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-14-00406.1
局地風「肱川あらし」 / A local wind, "Hijikawa-Arashi"
- 論文/Paper ー Junshi Ito, Toshiyuki Nagoshi, and Hiroshi Niino: A numerical study of "Hijikawa-Arashi": a thermally-driven gap wind visualized by nocturnal fog, J. Appl. Meteorol. Climate., 58, 1293-1307, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0189.1
熱帯の降水システム / Heavy precipitation in tropical region
- 論文/Paper ー Cathrene Lagare, Takeshi Yamazaki, and Junshi Ito: Numerical simulation of a heavy rainfall event over Mindanao, Philippines, on 03 May 2017: mesoscale convective systems under weak large-scale forcing, Geosci. Lett., 10, 23, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40562-023-00277-8