Ryota Ohara’s paper has been published in SOLA

A paper lead-authored by Ryota Ohara (PhD student) has been published in Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA). This work investigates the climatological relationship between Cold-Air Damming (CAD) and heavy rainfall in the Kanto region from 1980-2019. Ohara, R., & Yamazaki, T. (2024). Relationship between Cold-Air Damming and Heavy Precipitation in the Kanto Region. SOLA, 20, […]

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Keisuke Ono’s paper has been published in SOLA

A paper lead-authored by Keisuke Ono (MS degree student) has been published in Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA). Ono, K., & Ito, J. (2024). Numerical Simulation of a Case of Heavy Rainfall in the Northern Tohoku Region of Japan on 9 August 2013. SOLA, 20A-001.

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Madam Taqiyya Maulana’s paper has been published in Geoscience Letters

A paper authored by Madam Taqiyya Maulana, PhD has been published in Geoscience Letters. This work investigates the influence of cold surges on the diurnal cycle of precipitation over Java Island, Indonesia. Maulana, M. T., Yamazaki, T., Iwasaki, T., & Abdillah, M. R. (2023). Regional variation of the influence of cross-equatorial northerly surge towards diurnal […]

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Co-authored paper by Associate Professor Junshi Ito has been published in Geophysical Research Letters

A paper co-authored by Associate Professor Junshi Ito has been published in Geophysical Research Letters. The lead author is Ryoichi Yoshimura, PhD, currently an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research of Nagoya University (previously from the Institute of Fluid Science and Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University). Kento Suzuki, an alumnus of […]

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Meteorological Observations (Physics building)

POTEKA was installed on the rooftop of the Physics building (H-26). The latest data can be viewed from the POTEKA site [POTEKA NET].

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Meteorological Observations (Shichigahama station)

We are conducting meteorological observations at two station points, the rooftop of the Shichigahama government office and Shobutahama. The latest data can be viewed from the POTEKA site [POTEKA NET]. For further details, see the following document (in Japanese).

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Contents About 2021 Seminars Past seminars About Seminars in our laboratory are held every Thursday. During seminars, the students, faculty, and staff are given the time to present their research related to meteorology and atmospheric dynamics. This gives both the presenter and the audience an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas. At the same time, […]

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