10/5 | 尾前 亮太郎 | Improving wind energy forecasting through numerical weather prediction model development (論文紹介) |
小原 弘聖 | Interannual Variability of the Mass-weighted Isentropic Zonal Mean Meridional Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere Winter (論文紹介) |
10/12 | 石原 匠悟 | Structural Characteristics of typhoons Jebi(2018),Faxai(2019), and Hagibis(2019) (論文紹介) |
米井 潤風 | 梅雨前線低気圧BFDの統計解析と2022年7月15日の宮城県大雨事例の珍しさの評価(進捗報告)
11/2 | 岡西 望 | Comparison of observed and simulated vertical winds in a hailstorm event near Sendai in 2022
Irfans Maulana Firdaus | Mechanism of Initiation and Regeneration Convective Cell in Bandung Basin, Indonesia |
Jaka Anugrah Ivanda Paski | Radar data assimilation using WRFDA |
11/9 | 小原 涼太 | Research on CAD with heavy rainfall in the Kanto region |
Cathrene Lagare | Numerical study on the influence of cold surges on tropical rainfall (Initial results) |
島村 優作 | Identification and long-term statistical analysis of senjo-kousuitai in the high-resolution regional reanalysis over Japan (RRJ-Conv.) (progress report) |
11/30 | 櫻井 勇太朗 | 台風全域LESにおける強度・構造変化の解析(進捗報告) |
長村 航聖 | Development of a landslide forecasting system using Regional Ensemble Prediction : A case of extreme rainfall event in Niigata on August 4, 1998 |
12/7 | 阿野 庸太郎 | Observation of mountain waves generated by Zao mountains |
岩崎 俊樹 | Mass-weighted Isentropic zonal Mwan (MIM) v.s. Transformed Eulerian Mean (TEM) |
12/14 | 米井 潤風 | 日本領域長期再解析RRJ-Convを用いた梅雨前線低気圧の抽出と統計解析(進捗報告) |
岡西 望 | Analysis of vertical winds using radar observations and numerical models in a hailstorm on the Sendai Plain in June 2022 (進捗報告) |
鈴木 真一 | 梅雨明け時の循環の変化について |
1/4 | 小原 弘聖 | 質量加重付帯状平均で見た冬季北半球の中高緯度対流圏における直接循環の年々変動 |
尾前 亮太郎 | Investigation of simulation of atmospheric boundary layer by vertical 1D model |
1/11 | 石原 匠悟 | Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics in the Eyewall of Typhoon Faxai (2019) Observed by Tokyo Lightning Mapping Array |
島村 優作 | 日本領域高解像度再解析(RRJ-Conv)における線状降水帯の抽出と長期統計解析 (進捗報告) |
櫻井 勇太朗 | 台風全域LESにおける強度・構造変化の解析(進捗報告) |
1/18 | Cathrene Lagare | Numerical study on the influence of cold surges on tropical rainfall (Progress report) |
長村 航聖 | Development of a landslide forecasting system using Regional Ensemble Prediction: A case of extreme rainfall event in Niigata on August 4, 1998 (Progress report) |
1/25 | 小原 涼太 | Statistical study on CAD with heavy rainfall in the Kanto region |
米井 潤風 | 日本領域長期再解析RRJ-Convを用いた梅雨前線低気圧の抽出と統計解析(発表会リハ) |
岡西 望 | 2022年6月に仙台平野で発生した降雹事例におけるレーダー観測および数値モデルによる鉛直風の解析
2/1 | 阿野 庸太郎 | Observation of mountain waves generated by Zao mountains(Progress Report) |